
  • Lawrence Auriana (Founder)
    In 1986, Mr. Auriana co-founded the Federated Kaufmann Funds which became one of the country’s fastest-growing small-cap growth funds. He retired in 2015.
  • Peter Lerner (Founder)
    Mr. Lerner was a senior analyst and co-head of the investment area of the Federated Kaufmann Funds.

External Advisors

  • Ottavio Arancio
    MD, PhD (Inventor) is a Professor of Pathology & Cell Biology, Department of Medicine and Taub Institute at Columbia University
  • Donald W. Landry
    MD, PhD (Inventor) is Chairman of the Department of Medicine at Columbia University and Chief of Medicine at New York Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center, Founding Director Organic Chemistry Collaborative Center (OCCC)